"Being a Christian Scientist means I have to lead an abnormal, separate life— I can't have fun." "I feel guilty during the day if I don't do everything just right and I've read the Bible Lesson. In the Christian Science Quarterly. It's easier just not to read it." "My parents make me come to Sunday School; otherwise I wouldn't be here."
If these comments sound like yours, if you are at a point when you feel that Sunday School is not for you, you may also be at a point of trying to figure out if Christian Science itself is for you. Sunday School is a great place to ask the tough questions you may be asking yourself, to make some very strong demands on Christian Science. And it's a place where you can be open with other people who are trying to learn about Christian Science.
I'd like to share one teacher's point of view—mine—on teaching and learning in Sunday School. The best classes I've been in are those that sent me away still considering how to find answers to some of the questions that came up. The students challenged me and each other because they were straightforward and honest, even to the point of saying, "I don't believe there is any one religion that will get me close to God."