When we genuinely love something, we become unselfishly devoted to its welfare, growth, and progress. We tenderly nurture its maturing and contribute to its well-being.
Christian Scientists the world over share a common responsibility—the cherishing of our Christian Science periodicals. Our caring and appreciation for the ideas that these publications represent show our love for mankind and for our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who initiated each of the periodicals. These publications reach out with prayerful thought and inspiration, fresh with new-old insights and demonstrations, to meet the needs of a waiting world.
Each one of these periodicals fulfills a specific purpose. Mrs. Eddy provided for their individual establishment and carefully designated their unique and separate missions. In The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany she writes: "I have given the name to all the Christian Science periodicals. The first was The Christian Science Journal, designed to put on record the divine Science of Truth; the second I entitled Sentinel, intended to hold guard over Truth, Life, and Love; the third, Der Herold der Christian Science, to proclaim the universal activity and availability of Truth; the next I named Monitor, to spread undivided the Science that operates unspent. The object of the Monitor is to injure no man, but to bless all mankind." Miscellany, p. 353.