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Spiritual perception— its role in healing

From the January 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The human mind—when unillumined by God's law and insensitive to it—is unaware of the vital role that spiritual perception plays in Christian healing. Without this vital element of spiritual sense, one might think he could wave away his troubles as nothing when there may be a great need for regeneration of thinking and living. Spiritual perception is an activity of the Christ that renews consciousness spiritually. This renewal heals sickness, frees from sin, and brings untold blessings into our experience.

Keen spiritual perception comes to us as we begin to see that God is the only Mind. Because man is God's expression, in truth each one of us reflects this Mind.

Radical as it may seem, this means that we really don't have a personal mind of our own! The human mentality that seems to be ours is a misconception of our God-constituted consciousness, and this distorted view of true mentality would make us believe that material personality with all of its failures and faults is what is real!

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