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You are you . . . forever

From the March 1988 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Despite all prejudice, defeat, despair,
self-abandonment, forgotten care,
in spite of every storm and snare of sense—
even the very least
a full one-millionth part of excellence—
enough to shatter every bolted door,
enough to triumph now and evermore.

Then how much greater joy
when we are told
in many untold ways
and unmistakably:
You are you . . . forever! . . .

No rhododendrons beautify the heath
identically the same,
no single snowflake ever comes again
then how much less
can any child or gleam of tenderness
repeat itself?
Creation's voice is singing to each one:
Never will any bloom
in such a way
as you, who blossom forth
with rare and radiant likeness
hitherto unknown ....

And never will revolving earth efface
the answer to your own unique desire
to find the narrow way,
for you are you
forever to His face.

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