Each day, through the study and practice of Christian Science, I am becoming more aware of God's love for me and for all His children.
One morning in 1987, a door was accidently closed on our small daughter's hand, crushing three of her fingers. I immediately took the child in my arms, and as I became calm, her screaming subsided. I prayed with confidence and gratitude, certain that our Father-Mother God would tell me what I needed to know to help this loved child.
As I sat in a rocking chair holding her, the sun suddenly broke from behind the clouds and shone brightly on the two of us. This reminded me of an article I had been reading in the Journal, in which the author likened each one's relationship to God to a ray of light emanating from the sun. I could see that this child was of God; her source being all good, she could experience only good. My job was to hold to this truth. I thought of the Bible verse from Acts: "In him [God] we live, and move, and have our being."