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When submitting testimonies:

From the June 1993 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We welcome readers to submit convincing testimonies of Christian Science healing for publication. These accounts should be concise and persuasive, demonstrating clearly that Christian Science heals.

Content: Please include several metaphysical points or describe the prayer and spiritual understanding that contributed to the healing; these are central to the testimony. Be sure to write in a way that is clear for a wide public audience.

Format: Manuscripts should be typed, if possible, with wide margins and doubleor triple-spacing. Use nonerasable paper, and type only on one side.

Verification: A testifier must submit verification from at least three members of The Mother Church who have either witnessed the healing(s) or can attest to his or her integrity. (If you are unacquainted with three members, please obtain verifications from as many members as possible.) Include verifications, along with all names and addresses, when submitting manuscripts.

All contributions accepted for publication become the sole property of The Christian Science Publishing Society.

Address testimonies to:
The Christian Science Publishing Society
Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Editorial Department, P–602
One Norway Street
Boston, MA, U.S.A. 02115

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