Greetings from your brothers and sisters among Christian Scientists in Rwanda. Thank you for your package containing Christian Science literature.
I shall always remember a Christian Science Sentinel The Christian Science Sentinel is a weekly magazine. article entitled "Loving our politicians." It has been the answer to problems and events I have witnessed many times during the genocide in our country. One sentence was especially helpful: "God, Mind, is our real legislator. His laws truly govern man, and they are self-enforcing. His government is always beneficent."
I am happy to report that Christian Science has made some progress in Rwanda. In May we celebrated our first Sunday service after the violence had caused us to suspend our gatherings. We meet in a friend's room, and some people have to walk many kilometres to attend our services. There are just a few of us, but we look forward to hiring a public place for our meetings. We know that the Christian Science movement does not depend on numbers but on the demonstrated ability of men and women to prove that their lives are governed by divine laws that heal and reform.