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Where is our search for mind and intelligence taking us?

From the January 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The human mind is very much on the minds of researchers these days. It comes as no surprise that researchers aren't the only ones who are fascinated with the subject. For anyone interested in finding answers to age-old questions about the source, composition, and workings of consciousness, intelligence, perception, memory, and other aspects of the mental realm, these are times of considerable searching and stirring.

Round after round of studies and publications focusing on the human mind leave the impression that researchers are on the verge of finding important answers. As people over the years have peered deeper and deeper into matter, believing that anything associated with mentality must be a product of the brain, many important questions have remained unanswered. And that comes as no surprise to many thinkers. This comment, for example, was from a letter writer to Time magazine: "As long as scientists think consciousness resides in individual bodies, encased in individual brains, it will continue to elude them." 1

Consciousness, perception, understanding, and so forth are not matter-based capacities or functions. They are entirely different from electrochemical impulses. Actually, they have a purely spiritual source. God, Spirit, is all-knowing, the origin of intelligence. He is the provider of wisdom. The law that governs all harmonious action comes from God, Mind.

1 Time, August 7, 1995.

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