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Loving to teach the little ones

From the November 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have always loved little children. I've appreciated their simplicity, frankness, joy, and unpretentiousness. With that love in mind, I readily accepted when I was asked to teach a class of four three- and four-year-olds in our branch church, even though I hadn't been around small children very much.

Teaching a class of boisterous young children who may not have been in a classroom situation before, or who have not had the opportunity to interact with other children their own age, can be challenging. It was for me! At first, I felt more like a gymnastics instructor than a Sunday School teacher. Just the same, I soon found that while teaching the youngest class is no guarantee of experiencing angelic behavior, working through any challenge with such little ones promises to bring untold joy and new views of the kingdom of heaven.

After my first class, when my husband asked how it had gone, all I could do was pause and feebly say, "Well, I think it will get better." To be honest, I felt overwhelmed. I didn't feel anybody had learned anything, and I hadn't enjoyed it at all. I knew it was time to pray.

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