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Science and Health—full of Love

From the November 1996 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My family became acquainted with Christian Science when I was a small child, and I was enrolled in the Sunday School where I began to learn of God's love.

One Christmas season my Sunday School teacher gave me an unexpected gift. It was a copy of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy. Inside the front cover she had written the words Full of Love and signed her name. At that time I did not grasp much of the meaning of her words, but I never forgot them and I frequently opened the book's cover and pondered them. It was some years before I realized the value of her gift.

One day I found myself feeling very depressed and lonely after a great disappointment. Noticing the book on my desk, I opened it and again read the words Full of Love. I reasoned that if this book was indeed "full of Love," there must be something in it to rid me of this depressed feeling. Opening it at random, I read this statement: "Sorrow has its reward. It never leaves us where it found us." 1 This was like a rainbow after the storm. It gave me hope. It promised something better. This uplifted me, and it immediately freed me from the depression. In fact, I became so interested in this message that I continued reading the book, searching its pages.

1 Science and Health, p. 66.

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