As a child, I attended a Christian Science Sunday School, feeling that there was something very important being taught there. A neighborhood friend was invited to go with me. (Incidentally, she became a lifelong Christian Scientist.) I also often argued with my teacher. I remember one time, after she had explained Spirit, my thumping the table and saying to her, "This has to be real." But in my heart I knew that this teaching was something I could turn to if I ever had a problem.
Later, as the youngest in my high-school class, I tried to be sophisticated by taking up cigarettes and cocktails. These habits stayed with me for a long time.
The day after my husband and I were married, we left for an emerging country where he had been transferred. But before we got there, a rebellion arose and the city where we were to live was partially destroyed. Conditions there were quite a shock to me. I didn't speak the language and knew no one for a while.