In recent years scientific research has suggested that specific genetic patterns are associated with specific behavioral patterns. In other words, that an individual's behavior is largely determined, or at least mightily influenced, by codes written into his or her genes.The Boston Sunday Globe, January 12, 1997 But isn't it possible that scientists, in their persistent search for cause, could ultimately find that the patterns they observe in the genes are themselves effects rather than causes? Isn't it possible that their research—leading them as it does further and further into the realm of the infinitesimal and unobservable—will eventually lead them to conclude that no cause at all can be found in matter?
More about that later.
There is an upsurge of interest in society today in spirituality and spiritual healing. People yearn to gain mastery over their lives and thus improve their behavior, bringing their experience into line with higher ideals and values. Clearly, people want to see others take responsibility for the way they behave, but they also want to do the same themselves. And they want to know that it can be done. What actually gives rise to this yearning is our indissoluble connection to our creator, God, the divine Spirit.