One morning, recently, a pain developed in my lower back. By midafternoon it was so strong that walking and bending down became unbearable. I knew I could effectively turn to God for healing, so I called a Christian Science practitioner to pray with me. She agreed to begin treatment immediately. I settled down to study and pray.
The children were to go to an event that evening, so I telephoned my husband at work to ask him to come home in time to take them, as I wasn't sure I'd be going. My thoughts were vacillating between feeling the wonderful inspiration that comes from prayer and study, and remorse for having become burdened over family finances and other problems, rather than praying more consistently. So I called the practitioner again, relaying all these thoughts.
She then said something that ultimately became the key to the healing, although I didn't realize it until days later. "This is not about you; it's about God!" She sensed that my real need was to grasp the distinction, made by Science, between true spiritual individuality and false material personality, and she encouraged me to make these ideas the core of my prayer and study of Mrs. Eddy's writings.