If You Wanted to get to the other end of a large, long room, your first step would bring almost no perceptible improvement in your position. But after a few more steps, you would definitely see some progress and also get the feeling that those steps were taking you in the right direction.
This is true for our spiritual growth as well—every forward step counts. And we can rely on God from the very outset. Mary Baker Eddy writes, "Step by step will those who trust Him find that 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.'" Science and Health, p. 444
At one time a young woman who smoked cigarettes lived in our home for several months. My husband and I had asked her not to smoke in the house because of the unpleasant odor, so she would smoke in her car, often while reading a Christian Science periodical or studying the Bible Lesson (found in the Christian Science Quarterly).