February is Black History Month in the United States. While the Journal is not a history magazine, it does seek to bring spiritual light to all subjects that relate to human welfare—light that results in moral and physical healing. Much healing is needed in the area of race relations throughout the world. Several articles in this issue discuss how to employ the power of prayer to destroy prejudice and its effects. And our cover feature calls for emancipation from the mental bondage that underlies all of slavery's more obvious forms, a freedom that we can fight for and win on a daily basis.
This month we also continue to look back with appreciation at the Journal's own history during the twentieth century. The reprint of a 1917 article related to overcoming sorrow speaks powerfully, more than eighty years later, to the healing of wounds related to racial conflict. The article states: "... all that evil claims to do, an understanding of God, divine Love, can undo, until we can truly say, with the conviction born of proof, that evil never did anything, unless it were to destroy itself."
Our hope and conviction is that the coming century will provide many proofs of the supremacy of divine Love.