The Bible Counsels Us, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus." Phil. 2:5. The Mind that was expressed in Jesus' character, wisdom, and healings is God, who is both infinite Love and infinite intelligence. To the degree that we express this Mind, our consciousness is truly Christly. We are more accepting of others, more loving, more forgiving of ourself and others, and we're better able to see spiritual perfection where mortal thought sees imperfection. An individual who expresses such Christly consciousness is compassionate toward the plight of others but understands that inharmonious conditions can be completely dissolved through prayer.
God is both infinite Love and infinite intelligence.
During my years of experience in the education field, I learned that effective healing comes by understanding what is true of Mind and its expression, or creation, rather than by delving into material, psychological concepts. An instantaneous healing that occurred while I was taking a graduate course at a nearby university vividly illustrated the effect of letting more of the divine Mind permeate one's consciousness. I had just taken an examination and was condemning myself for what I thought was my poor performance. I quickly became very ill with flu-like symptoms. Before collapsing on my bed, I called a Christian Science practitioner to pray with me. Within minutes I was completely free and able to carry on with my normal activities.