After he received an acknowledgment that his contribution would be used in the Sentinel, my eight-year-old son exclaimed, "Mom, why don't you send something in, too?" His enthusiasm was wonderful, and it convinced me that it was time for me to express my gratitude (in writing) for the healings my family and I have had.
My husband comes from a large family, and we have frequent get-togethers. After one of these gatherings, my sister-in-law let us know that her son had been exposed to chickenpox earlier in the week, and we should watch our kids for symptoms to appear in about ten days.
The following Sunday, both my son and I came down with the symptoms of this disease. I was anxious, and well-meaning friends at work warned me about the dangers of having this disease as an adult. I called a Christian Science practitioner right away. He agreed to treat us and, as my fear melted away, many of the "normal" symptoms of the disease did not develop on either my son or me, and there were no aftereffects.