One morning I woke up with a cold. I was looking forward to conducting a church service at a prison that night, and wanted a quick healing. I prayed, affirming that God, who is Love, never causes a cold. Although there was no improvement, I went to the prison that evening.
Before I began reading the Bible Lesson aloud, I read an announcement, part of which said that the citations from the Bible and Science and Health that make up this Lesson-Sermon are "uncontaminated and unfettered by human hypotheses, and divinely authorized" (see Christian Science Quarterly). As I read that phrase, I realized that it could also describe my identity as God's uncontaminated, unfettered, and divinely authorized creation. Suddenly I felt the cold just lift and disappear from my body. I was healed, and continued the service with freedom and joy.
God governs everything in our lives, down to the smallest detail.