An article entitled "Never give up," published in the April 2001 issue of the Herald, helped me a great deal when I had an illness for a long time. As I continued to study Christian Science, never giving up and trusting that God would heal me, I was not only healed of the sickness but I also gained a new conviction that I can live each day in Spirit. I also learned that we are truly blessed when we live moment by moment, at one with Christ, or Truth.
In a recent issue of the Japanese Herald, I read about a woman whose mother passed on. Having had a very happy relationship with her mother, she was hit by grief, feeling that she would no longer have her mother's special warmth and love. After praying for some time, she understood that the love her mother expressed toward her was really God's love being expressed, and since God is eternal, this love could never end.
Just around this time, several people that I dearly loved passed away. I was able to see that each person had continuing life in Spirit, and that the love that I received from them was really love coming from God. I also saw that God's love is inexhaustible and is being provided for me and all people in many different ways.