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Testimonies of Healing

Hearing restored

From the July 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For a long time, I couldn't hear out of my left ear. But about three years ago, I decided I didn't need to just accept this difficulty anymore. I wanted to pray about the problem and to be healed.

I realized that I needed to get a better understanding of God as my true Father-Mother and of myself as His/Her reflection. I also felt that this was an opportunity for me to become more aware of my identity as whole and complete in every faculty, exactly the way God made me and sees me.

For about two years, I very consciously made an effort to listen to everyone with whom I came into contact. I had been inspired to learn that there is a difference between hearing and listening. For instance, I might be able to hear someone talk, but I might not be really listening to that person. I might have no idea what that person said or the point he or she was trying to make.

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