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More than just good travel stories

From the July 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Travelers often bring home stories about what happened while they were away. Sometimes the stories are amusing: what they ate, whom they met, how they missed a connecting flight. Other stories, though, are more heartwarming. Holly Packard, Nils Tuxen, and Linda Conner all travel frequently. During their trips they have had the opportunity to share Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy with people who are interested in its message of healing, hope, and peace.

Holly, who comes from Hunstville, Alabama, is a regional publisher's representative for Science and Health, working closely with bookstores that sell the book. Describing a recent trip, she said, "I was studying Science and Health on one flight, and a man sitting next to me asked me what book I was reading, because I looked so engrossed in it. I told him it was Science and Health, and that people had been healed of severe problems just by reading it. He said, 'Where can I get the book? I have a friend who is dying of cancer, and I need to read it so that I can give him some good thoughts.' So I said, 'You're welcome to take my book, but I've written in it.' He told me, 'That's fine—I really just need to have it right now.' So I learned then—always carry two!"

Linda, whose home is in haddonfield, New Jersey, is a field manager for Christian Science Reading Rooms, helping Reading Room staff to find ways of responding to spiritual seekers in their communities. She told about one flight she was on in the summer of 1999, returning from a meeting in Texas. "I was tired of sitting, so I got up and went to the back of the plane to stand for a while. I ended up talking to one of the flight attendants, which was fun, because I had once been a flight attendant. We talked about the state of the airlines for a while, and eventually she asked me, 'If you're not a flight attendant anymore, what kind of work are you in now?'

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