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Notice regarding Normal Class 2003

From the July 2003 issue of The Christian Science Journal

A system of spiritual education in Christian healing was established by Mary Baker Eddy with the founding of the Massachusetts Metaphysical College in 1881. Under its state charter she taught many, many students, who faithfully carried onward the teaching and practice of Christian Science healing. This sacred service to mankind has continued under the Board of Education, the auxiliary to Mrs. Eddy's college.

In the Manual of The Mother Church, Mrs. Eddy provided that Normal classes, to prepare teachers of Christian Science, be taught every third year beginning in 1907. Accordingly, the next Normal class will be held in December 2003. Article XXIX, Section 2 states: "Loyal Christian Scientists' pupils who so desire may apply to the Board of Education for instruction; and if they have practised Christian Science healing successfully three years and will furnish evidence of their eligibility therefor, they are eligible to enter the Normal class. All members of this class must be thorough English scholars."

Through the study of Mrs. Eddy's writings and the daily practice of Christian Science healing, applicants should understand the opportunities and responsibilities that accompany the role of spiritual healer and teacher. The new millennium is full of promise and portent of the working of the leaven in all of the modes of human thought. The calling for sound spiritual thinkers and healers has never been more evident. To stand in love and in faith and in service to God, to our Leader, and to mankind is a demand of these times. The role of Christian Science teacher is not for the fainthearted, but it is for the sturdy, mature, humble spiritual adventurer in Christian Science.

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