Think spring break, senior year of college, and you don't normally imagine the genesis of an internationally recognized think tank. Then again, meet , founder and CEO of WorldBlu, Inc., a Washington-DC-based consulting studio pioneering the field of organizational democracy, and the title "Chief Executive Officer" doesn't necessarily spring to mind, either.
"This whole journey—from incorporating WorldBlu first as a 501 (c)3 nonprofit foundation when I was a senior in college to eventually launching WorldBlu, Inc. as a forprofit consulting studio in 2003—has really been a huge lesson in overcoming limitations," Traci says. "When you're young and you have big ideas, you're tempted to think, 'Am I crazy? Who am I to do this?' And those questions can be paralyzing." Traci spoke with the Journal's
about what enabled her to get past the second-guessing—and set out on the fast track to success.I imagine that starting a company—no matter how old you are when you do it—must be an exciting, but daunting, process. Tell me about your experience with WorldBlu.