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Original article in English and translation into Chinese reprinted from The Christian Science Monitor


From the August 2006 issue of The Christian Science Journal

SOME YEARS AGO, I considered a change of employment and had little time to think over my options. I ended up turning down an opportunity that would have provided gainful employment and instead chose an option that put me on shaky financial ground. Though I was happy in my work, I hadn't acted wisely and was concerned about my ability to remain solvent.

Many sleepless nights followed. I was struggling with the idea that I made a terrible mistake and would just have to pay the consequences. Yet, in my heart was the faint hope that God had not forgotten me—that good was an active presence in my life. This thought was actually my spiritual sense speaking. We all have this sense, and with it we discern our inseparable relation to God.

Soon after, on a December morning as I walked to a business appointment, I spotted a bird's nest in the branches of a small leafless tree. I almost missed it as I hurried along in the below-zero temperature. But after my initial glance, something told me to take a closer look.

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