Christian Science nursing often begins when one individual nurtures the spirit of the By-Law "Christian Science Nurse" in his or her own heart. As this prayer expands into expression, the practice of Christian Science nursing emerges in new ways and places around the world. Here are some tender signs of growth.
• A Christian Science nursing instructor in Germany felt impelled to translate her curriculum into French. No one had asked her to do this. But when a Christian Science nursing facility in western Switzerland called a few weeks later to ask if she would help them develop a training program in French, she was ready! Today, three budding Christian Science nurses, two of them from French-speaking Africa, are studying at that facility with the long-range desire to return home to teach others.
• A new Christian Science Society in Mexico included in its bylaws a list of privileges of members. Among the privileges? Providing and receiving practical care in accordance with Science and Health and the Church Manual (especially Article VIII, Section 31, "Christian Science Nurse," p. 49).