WHAT NEVER BEGINS, NEVER ENDS, never breaks down, never ages, never hurts, rusts, corrodes, or falls apart, but always exists, thrives, progresses, and—like the pink bunny in the battery ad—just keeps on going ... and going ... and going ... and ... going ...?
The answer? YOU!
Why? Because LIFE, otherwise known as God, never had a starting point, a moment of birth. And Life, God, never ends. Life exists at every moment—intact, whole, infinite. And since Life created each of us in its immortal image, we coexist immortally with our source. And we have since before the beginning of time. Now. Eternally. Jesus so clearly understood the timeless nature of existence. At one point he prayed that his disciples could remain with him: "Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. Then they can see all the glory you gave me because you loved me even before the world began" (John 17:24, New Living Translation).