What a wonderful article in the March Journal regarding the Christian Science group in Riga, Latvia ["The Power of One ... Two ... or Three," p. 12]! Thank you so much! The article notes: "The Berlin Wall had ... let us say, a hole. Somebody from Germany had begun to send some Christian Science literature, though it was strongly forbidden." Well, this "hole" was I, in cooperation with my friend Inge from East Berlin.
This article gives a wonderful and very touching description of the dangerous situations met, of legions of angels at work, of divine guidance in very difficult moments.
When I was the producer of the German Herald shortwave broadcasts, I traveled through East Germany just after the fall of the Wall (in 1990). I recorded testimonies from people all over the Republic. Later I realized that about 85 percent of those interviewed had found Christian Science during the years that it was forbidden in East Germany. That meant there were no Christian Science churches, no Reading Rooms, no lectures, no Sunday Schools—nothing. And still the Christ was at work, meeting the needs of those who were ready!