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From the August 2009 issue of The Christian Science Journal

1. Shirley Paulson began an earnest study of the Bible when she started teaching Sunday School. "Later, when I was in great need of healing," she says, "I promised God I would read every word of the Bible and understand what God was saying to me through this precious book." She was healed, kept the promise, and now 20 years later, Shirley is still exploring its vast depth. Read her Bible Forum article, "The Bible and the Nature of Warfare." Page 10.

2. John Sparkman recently traveled to many of the countries that have The Herald of Christian Science published in their language. John says, "To talk face to face and heart to heart with these church members about meeting the needs of Herald readers in the 21st century has shown me that Christian Scientists all over the globe are truly united in 'one accord, one place,' though we may be continents and oceans apart." See John's article "Church Rekindled." page 15.

3. In founding Pittsburgh's InterCultural House, John Tyler brought together black and white students to learn how to combat racism. He's also the former co-director of the Center of International Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. "If we're going to love our neighbors as ourselves," Tyler says, "we need to love—really value and esteem—our Godlike selves. A whole lot." Read his cover feature "Facing Global Challenges: Is God 'Big' Enough?" Page 45.

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