Asking myself how Christian Science and Mary Baker Eddy have influenced my life, seems a little like asking how gravitation has had an effect on me. The point is that Christian Science and its divine Principle clearly haven’t been one among many factors; they’ve been more like spiritual gravitation—primary, acting on everything else.
I was brought up in a family where Christian Science healing through prayer seemed perfectly natural.
As a six-year-old I was healed of severe injuries to my ankle bone by an exposed bike chain. As a twelve-year-old I was healed of asthma and allergies. My parents’ and a practitioner’s prayers healed me in my teens of fever and delirium for which a friendly doctor—who was called to the house because of concerns about possible contagion—said he could do nothing. And there were quick healings in the family of croup, kidney stones, diagnosed diabetes, pleurisy, and strep throat, among others.