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Say ‘goodbye’ to gossip

From the March 2011 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In my study of Christian Science, I decided last year that I wanted to become a better healer—to heal instantly, effectively, and reliably. I had been thirsting to learn more about healing and experience it more in my own life. 

Last Spring, I had a great healing. At the time I was working at a cafe, and I loved working there with my fellow baristas. I liked that the ideas behind the company seemed genuinely supportive, ethical, and innovative. However, after working there for a few months, I began to notice the atmosphere of my workplace was filled with gossip. Although I never participated in it, I realized that everyone around me was talking about everyone else behind their backs. Though I tried to interject conversations with positive comments about the individuals who were being attacked, or change the subject completely, the atmosphere was never free from gossip. It soon became malicious toward a few particular co-workers, to the point that every single shift I worked seemed like listening in on battle plans between two sides of a war. 

I started praying before each shift, and for inspiration would read passages from Mary Baker Eddy’s writings during my breaks. However, though I entered each new shift feeling full of joy, I felt overwhelmed and exhausted by the end of each night. I found that my thoughts would cease to overflow with joy, and instead some of the harmful comments were creeping into my own thought. 

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