Doug Nicholas
After I graduated from college and was living in the Chicago area, it occurred to me that maybe I should move to Los Angeles and work in the film industry. It took me a few months to be obedient to what more and more started to feel like a divine idea. I knew I had much to learn about the film business and about the real world in general. I was afraid I wouldn’t “make it” or be successful.
But I had just gone through Christian Science class instruction, so I felt strongly that no matter what situation I found myself in, the law of God’s love was the absolute governing force. I was comforted to know that God, divine Love, would always guide and direct me. I finally made the decision to move when I learned that a family friend needed a roommate in Los Angeles. I didn’t know this friend particularly well, and I didn’t even know if I’d be able to pay for rent beyond the first month, but I felt a deep-rooted confidence in divine Mind’s direction—that step by step the path would unfold. It was this same friend who connected me to my first job, which started as an unpaid internship and eventually led to more work.