Q: How do you know if you are ready for Primary class instruction? I have been a Christian Scientist all my life and I don’t think I’m a very good one. Yet friends who are Christian Science practitioners have recently begun encouraging me to take class instruction.
A: Your question points to the great importance of self-knowledge in order to grow in Christian Science. Below are three questions you may wish to consider before you decide whether or not to take class—and I hope these give you a greater respect for the fact that you have stayed with Christian Science all your life. With the high and ideal aspirations of this Science, it can be tempting to feel inadequate. But what helps me is remembering that Jesus promised this Comforter of Christian Science to us, so it doesn’t make sense that our consideration of the Comforter could ever be an excuse to feel bad about ourselves.
1) Am I at peace reading Science and Health for my comfort and healing?