Years ago my husband and I made the decision to have our firstborn child at home, as the law in our state allowed. At that time home births were uncommon, but my husband and I, who are lifelong Christian Scientists, desired to have the birth in the privacy of our home. Throughout my pregnancy I worked with a Christian Science practitioner to prepare my thought, by identifying this child of God’s creating as completely cared for by Him.
The decision and experience of having our baby at home was one that required a great deal of prayer and preparation of the heart. My motive was purely to trust and glorify God. During this preparation time, I studied the Bible and Science and Health and strove to understand “the control of [God] Mind over body” (Science and Health, p. 169).
As I better understood that God was governing me and all that concerns me, the fear and trepidation that can accompany the birth experience disappeared from thought. This allowed me to focus on spiritual growth and gaining greater confidence in God’s care.