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Spiritual Short

It couldn't be more perfect

From the January 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The bird of paradise bush in front of my home was blooming with the most incredible flowers, and I just had to stop and admire them. As I was looking closely at one of the flowers, I was thinking that it couldn’t be more perfect.

I have always had an appreciation of nature. I can’t help but see the beauty reflected in the plants and trees that surround me, even in the big city of Los Angeles, where I work. Since I’m in a visually creative business, I often am amazed at the stunning natural compositions that nature makes so effortlessly. I’ve studied for years how to create visuals that approximate the genius I see in a flower or a grouping of branches in a tree. 

I remember as a child thinking that God must be providing me with beautiful things to look at just because of God’s love for me. I couldn’t think of any other reason, and I still can’t. 

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