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Questions About Class

Is it all right to employ more than one practitioner at the same time?

From the March 2013 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Q: Is it all right to employ more than one practitioner at the same time?

A: When my kids were young, a math tutor seemed like a good idea. However, hiring more than one tutor felt as if it could be confusing. And so it is with employing more than one practitioner at the same time.

When someone calls on a practitioner to support them in prayer, they are seeking to expand their view of the healing nature of divine Life. The practitioner’s job is to see and acknowledge the truth of the patient’s spiritual being—Godlike, upright, and whole. The belief that additional practitioners working at the same time is preferable, suggests that more voices will more earnestly persuade the healing activity of the Christ to show up! This Christ activity is already present, so there is no searching for the missing puzzle piece, or believing that more practitioners “on the job” means a better chance of finding it. In God’s universe, nothing good is undone or absent. 

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