In the Bible, the good Samaritan didn’t just come upon a stranger in need, pass him by, and continue on his way, as the priest and the Levite had done before him (see Luke 10:25–37). What an example he sets for each one of us today:
- He stopped to care for a man who was no doubt of another tribe or religion.
- He came where the man was—he didn’t ask him to come up to higher ground. He went to where the wounded man could relate to him. He didn’t hold himself superior.
- He “had compassion on him.” He didn’t help the guy because it might get him some good press or possibly qualify him for an income tax deduction. He did it because it was loving—and right.
- He “bound up his wounds.” He took the practical steps to make him comfortable.
- He poured in oil and wine. He gave him needed sustenance as he saw fit—the inspiration to move on, unafraid.
- He “set him on his own beast.” I guess that means he let the stranger take his car.
- Wow.