For some, the seasons are a source of variety—seedtime, growth, harvest, and renewal. For others, in various ways, seasons of the year tend to limit joy, health, and life. Perhaps winter seems too long, and you wish for the joyous warmth and renewal of spring. Or maybe you hear the news that the flu season is coming to affect your health. Or the accumulation of seasons may suggest a diminishing of your life.
Opening thought to a new view of God’s seasons, however, frees us from feeling bound and limited by nature’s seasons and opens our experience to infinite possibilities in our expression of life. It lifts off the confines of time and reveals harmonious being as ours here and now.
Genesis speaks of the seasons: “And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years” (1:14). One sense of the word season in the original Hebrew means “an assembly convened for a definite purpose” (Strong’s Greek and Hebrew Lexicon). The seasons of God’s creating signal the gathering of ideas that fulfill the divine purpose.