Moments after burning my hand on our stove top, I remembered there were many healings of burns, which I had heard at our local Church of Christ, Scientist’s, testimony meetings and read about in the Christian Science periodicals. This solid and extensive record of healing was so encouraging. It meant that I, too, could turn to God and experience His practical care. It meant that I wasn’t experimenting with an untested theory, but demonstrating a proven truth—man’s permanent place in God’s care. I felt as if I was walking a pathway clearly marked by these witnesses of God’s love.
As they had done, I prayed to trust and accept God’s harmonious, uninterrupted presence, instead of the aggressive sensation of pain. I affirmed that God is the one cause, producing only what is good, and never causing harm or accident. I glimpsed that human opinion and the physical senses are not truth-tellers or lawgivers. As God’s unwavering control became more apparent to me, the pain in my hand dissipated and was gone in minutes. The burn marks disappeared a few days later.
I shared this healing at our church’s testimony meeting, and several weeks later a fellow member told me that when he subsequently burned his hand, he recalled my experience and it helped him find his freedom quickly. Of course one seeking healing doesn’t need to hear or read healings of an identical challenge, but it can be strengthening.