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Testimonies of Healing

Healing of accident's aftereffects

From the December 2014 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Through the years I’ve had many healings as a result of prayer. Some were quick healings, and others required the spiritual discipline of persistent prayer over a period of time.

Just a few months ago, I experienced a quick healing. On a train from Boston to New York last winter, I was chatting with my seatmate and brand-new friend as we enjoyed the scenery along the journey through a beautiful snowstorm in Connecticut. 

During the trip my seatmate received a phone call and became involved in a conversation, so I reached down for my bag lunch, which I had placed under my feet. As I sat up, the tray table on the seat in front of me dropped and hit me hard on the bridge of my nose. My friend heard the impact and asked if I was all right. Not wanting to alarm her, I assured her that I was fine. But my vision had gone dark with the impact, and I was in considerable pain. 

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