I would like to express my sincere gratitude for Christian Science and the practical healing that results when we rely on God’s divine law to meet our needs.
For the birth of our second child, my husband and I wanted an at-home delivery. The midwives we were working with were very supportive of this until the last two months of pregnancy. They were having a hard time detecting the baby’s position because the baby was moving so much. They were concerned that the baby could be in breech position, and they informed me that if that was the case, I could not deliver the baby at home.
At the midwives’ request, I had an ultrasound scan, and it was determined that my level of amniotic fluid was too high. We were told that if the fluid levels didn’t change, the baby would be unable to maintain its proper position and a surgical delivery would be necessary. My husband and I have relied on Christian Science throughout our lives for healing every difficulty we have faced, and we knew that this discordant condition could be healed through Christian Science as well. We informed the midwives that we would be praying to see this condition corrected and assured them we would cooperate with whatever steps they felt were necessary when I went into labor.