Several years ago, for about five months, I experienced an alarming and painful physical ailment.
As I prayed, I realized I had been unknowingly harboring stress and resentment. My husband-to-be and I were planning our wedding, and I had a nagging worry about how some of the wedding guests would get along at the wedding after not speaking to each other in decades. Additionally, at work, a colleague was unkind to me, and in yet another situation with friends, I felt wronged and misrepresented. Although I hadn’t thought about these issues often, it became clear that I was holding on to resentment.
Amid this turbulence, one day driving on the highway, I was involved in a three-car accident; I saw something happening with two cars, and was unable to avoid a collision. But moments after this happened, a comforting thought came to me that I was OK under any circumstance because God, divine Love, was always with me. The car was totaled, but I was able to push the door open enough to walk out without a scratch, with the exception of minor injuries from the airbag. The officials involved were shocked to see that I was fine. The others involved were OK, too, but were very upset about the accident and conditions of their cars.