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Of Good Report

Horse healed of rash

From the October 2022 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Originally published in German.

I would like to express my gratitude for the immediate availability of divine help. Over and over I’ve been impressed by how quickly and powerfully prayer can bring healing.

On a Friday during the opening session of an online conference on Christian Science, a young woman who rides one of our horses called to tell me that after a long afternoon ride, large bumps had formed on the horse’s belly and neck. She thought the rash might have been caused by insects encountered during the ride. My first thought was not to be disturbed by this news, but to know that, as a creation of God, the horse was always safe in His care. The woman promised to look in on the horse the next morning, since I wouldn’t be available to do it myself.

I turned my thought away from the pictures she had sent me from her phone. Instead, I prayerfully considered the perfection of the horse as God’s spiritual expression, forever intact. I reasoned that a rash is not a condition of divine harmony, and therefore it could have no real existence. The inspiring atmosphere of the online meeting helped buoy my thought above fear, and I knew that the horse was embraced in divine Love. 

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