Healing through prayer is practical. It relies, like any functional system, on basic, applicable laws. These laws are found in the Bible, and they are spiritual and eternal because they have their foundation in Spirit, which is the divine Principle, God. Such laws enable us to work out the most important questions of existence, such as what actually has substance and what merely appears to be substantial.
In the practice of prayer, the law of the First Commandment, which says, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3), is the defining key to reality and Christianity, with which to differentiate permanent truth from temporary misconceptions.
The Bible also cogently exposes the way evil deceives, confuses, and manipulates human perception. The story of Adam and Eve shows how deceit—represented by the serpent—preys on ignorance (see Genesis 3). Without a firm understanding that there is only one God—one power and intelligence—Adam and Eve were vulnerable to the deceptive suggestion that God was not all and to the consequences of believing this lie. But if we know and adhere to the First Commandment, the law of God’s allness, we are not ignorant and cannot be deceived. Applying the truth of this fundamental law, we can detect a false suggestion quickly, and find security and be clear-minded about our health and our safety.