The Journal is pleased to offer readers the third in an occasional column from the Office of Christian Science Practitioner Activities at The Mother Church in Boston. “Pathways to the practice” is autobiographical. While the contributors, presented here as two anonymous authors, are now experienced Christian Science practitioners, they were not yet listed in the directories of the Journal or The Herald of Christian Science when they humbly accepted their first requests for Christian Science treatment—and got right to work! Below, in their own words, these 21st-century healers trace the heart’s and mind’s response to Christ Jesus’ unambiguous call: “Heal the sick.” It is our hope that readers will be encouraged, step by step, to renew their own commitment to scientific Christian healing in the 21st century, and to share this priceless gift of God’s grace with all humanity.
Shortly after graduating from college, I took Christian Science Primary class instruction from an authorized teacher. I wanted to deepen my understanding of God and consider more systematically how to give prayerful, healing treatment for myself as well as for others who asked me to pray for them.