These recent postings include Church news items of wider public interest as well as ones that are primarily of interest to members.
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At Annual Meeting 2020, Barbara Vining, CSB, will be leaving her position as Editor of The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald.
As Clerk of The Mother Church, it is with special anticipation that I look forward to our coming together online for the Annual Meeting this year on June 8. And it is certainly what we each bring to the meeting that will impact what we receive from it! Thank you for the many member responses to the theme “Our duty to God, to our Leader, and to mankind.” This speaks to your earnest devotion and commitment as members and leads to practical healing progress for our movement and humanity.
Theme: Our duty to God, to our Leader, and to mankind
I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.
It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, and not be made to forget nor to neglect his duty to God, to his Leader, and to mankind.
—Mary Baker Eddy, Manual of The Mother Church, Article VIII, Sect. 6
Funds are available for benevolence grants from the trust established under Clause 8 of Mary Baker Eddy’s will. These funds are devoted to the primary purpose of “more effectually promoting and extending the religion of Christian Science as taught by [Mary Baker Eddy].”
From El Bolsón, a small mountain town in the Argentine Patagonia, I send you all my affection and gratitude. I was first introduced to Christian Science here where a small group of students met to read the weekly Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly.
Laurie Q. Richardson, CSB, of Chesterfield, Missouri, will take up the responsibilities of Clerk of The Mother Church, effective January 13, 2020.
The Board has voted to admit new members to our worldwide church family.
Margaret Rogers, CSB will be rotating off the Christian Science Board of Directors at the end of November. On December 1, 2019, as Margaret steps off the Board, Keith Wommack, CSB, of Corpus Christi, Texas, will assume his place as a member of the Board of Directors.
Funds are available for benevolence grants from the trust established under Clause 8 of Mary Baker Eddy’s will. These funds are devoted to the primary purpose of “more effectually promoting and extending the religion of Christian Science as taught by [Mary Baker Eddy].”
Effective October 2, 2019, Scott Preller rotated off of the Board of Trustees, and Michael Fish, CSB, joined Robin Hoagland and Lyon Osborn, who are currently serving as Trustees.