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Church News

These recent postings include Church news items of wider public interest as well as ones that are primarily of interest to members. 

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It is a joy and a privilege for me to report the admission of new members to The Mother Church! Christian Science offers the true social purpose for all. It is defined in the healing mission of The Church of Christ, Scientist, to offer a radical cure for the ills of human society. As members of The Mother Church, we each have the opportunity to further cultivate our individual practice of this Christ-healing. 

Our Clerk, Laurie Richardson, has notified the Board of Directors of her plan to step away from her position as Clerk, and Martha Moffett, a Christian Science practitioner and teacher from Minnesota, will join the Clerk’s Office as Laurie’s successor.

Annual Meeting invitation 2023

The Christian Science Board of Directors announces the Annual Meeting invitation 2023. 

Admission of new members

It is a joy and a privilege for me to report the admission of new members to The Mother Church! Christian Science offers the true social purpose for all. It is defined in the healing mission of The Church of Christ, Scientist, to offer a radical cure for the ills of human society. As members of The Mother Church we each have the opportunity to further cultivate our individual practice of this Christ-healing. God is impelling us all to forward the availability of Christian Science healing and the power of Spirit in the affairs of man. Your individual and rightful representation as a Christian Science healer is a beautiful promise.

Replays of Annual Meeting 2022 and weekend events

Watch the replays of Annual Meeting 2022 and weekend events

It is a joy and a privilege for me to report the admission of new members of The Mother Church! These newest members are committing to what Mary Baker Eddy referred to as “the greatest and holiest of all causes” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896p. 177). This Cause unites us in our love for God and for all humanity. May each one of us be inspired to live the healing power of Christ, Truth, as a scientific Christian in the 21st century.

We are looking forward to being together both in person and online for this year’s Annual Meeting on Monday, June 6, at 1:00 p.m. EDT. In addition to Annual Meeting itself, a Saturday hymn sing, and a Sunday afternoon metaphysical meeting, we hope you’ll also visit the new How Do You See the World? experience on the first floor of the Publishing House. The Christian Science Board of Directors recorded a video message to you about this new experience.

Election of new Readers

It is with joy that we announce our intent to elect Megumi (Mimi) Oka, C.S.B., of New York City, USA, as First Reader, and Donald A. Wallingford, C.S., of Lilburn, Georgia, USA, as Second Reader, for the term of June 2022 to June 2025.

The Trustees have listened and prayed about how the Publishing Society can better fulfill its service to humanity today. Work to improve the value of our publications is ongoing, and modest price increases to subscriptions has begun—in many cases the first increases in a decade, despite continually rising costs.

2022 Annual Meeting invitation

The Christian Science Board of Directors announces the Annual Meeting invitation 2022. 

