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Church News

These recent postings include Church news items of wider public interest as well as ones that are primarily of interest to members. 

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We would like to share with you a change on the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society.

Rotation in office

Robin Hoagland, CSB, will be rotating off the Christian Science Board of Directors at the end of December. On January 1, 2022, as Robin steps off the Board, Mary Alice Rose, CSB, of Brookeville, Maryland, will assume her place as a member of the Board of Directors.

Admission of New Members

It is a joy and a privilege for me to report the admission of new members of The Mother Church!

2021 Annual Meeting Replay

The Annual Meeting replay is now available in English, French, German, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Admission of New Members

It is a joy and a privilege for me to report the admission of new members of The Mother Church!

Benevolence Grants

Funds are available for benevolence grants from the trust established under Clause 8 of Mary Baker Eddy’s will. These funds are devoted to the primary purpose of “more effectually promoting and extending the religion of Christian Science as taught by [Mary Baker Eddy].”

Annual Meeting 2021 Update

We are glad to be in touch with you as we approach Annual Meeting 2021.

Benevolence grants

Funds are available for benevolence grants from the trust established under Clause 8 of Mary Baker Eddy’s will. These funds are devoted to the primary purpose of “more effectually promoting and extending the religion of Christian Science as taught by [Mary Baker Eddy].”

Annual Meeting invitation 2021

The Christian Science Board of Directors announces the Annual Meeting invitation 2021. 

2021 per capita tax message

What a privilege and a blessing it is to write to you from Paris, France, and to feel so near to each member of our worldwide Church. As our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, explains: “. . . time and space, when encompassed by divine presence, do not separate us” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 110).

