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2021 per capita tax message

- Church News

Dear Fellow Members of The Mother Church,

What a privilege and a blessing it is to write to you from Paris, France, and to feel so near to each member of our worldwide Church. As our Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, explains: “. . . time and space, when encompassed by divine presence, do not separate us” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 110).

In these challenging times, as spiritual watchers for humanity, we need more than ever to be united in watching together and in persistently knowing that divine Mind is the only cause and the only lawmaker governing man and the whole universe harmoniously and permanently. It is encouraging to remember “that tribulation worketh patience” (Romans 5:3). As we read in Galatians: “Let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (6:9). The need is never to dive into the daunting global challenges but to look up to Spirit not down to matter, recognizing the allness and supremacy of God. As we stand with patience and perseverance with the fact that divine health, purity, and perfection fill all space, we recognize that man is spiritual and perfect, the beloved child of God, fully pure, free, and secure. 

A lie may seem to hide temporarily immutable harmony, but it cannot destroy it; Truth is always victorious. Nothing can separate us from infinite Love, so we naturally love God and our neighbor as ourselves, being faithful to the Golden Rule (see Matthew 7:12). This unselfed love makes us transparent to the divine healing power. 

Each of our prayers, each of our profound communions with divine Love, has a healing influence. They have already brought progress in our movement and in the collective thought such as a greater devotion to the practice of Christian healing, improved attendance at our internet services and lectures, rich articles and online activities, a larger sense of the importance of equality and justice, a greater respect for our planet, and a more flexible and innovative way of thinking, leading to new methods of doing things. These improvements in our healing work, in our Church, and in the world will continue for “. . . progress is the law of God . . .” (Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 233). Claims of danger, of destruction, and decline are unknown to God and so to man, His complete reflection. These delusions are without foundation and without power, so they will inevitably yield to the divine harmony already established by God. 

Our letter is also a reminder of Mrs. Eddy’s Manual provision for the annual per capita tax. This gives us the opportunity to fill our hearts with gratitude for our Leader and for her Church. The Mother Church, through its vast channels, is tenderly caring for each one of us, encouraging our spiritual progress and blessing all humanity by sharing the Comforter promised by the Master, Christ Jesus. Nothing is more necessary for the welfare of mankind than our love and support for all the healing activities of our Cause. 

It is also our duty to pray to recognize that the world is ready to accept Christian Science, to recognize the supremacy of Spirit. We do so by knowing that the light of Christ is awakening each one to the truth of being and by fulfilling the demand of our Master to pray to “the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38). And what a blessing to know that a divine harvest of benedictions is ready here and now for all of us and for all mankind.

All the officers of the Church join me in deeply thanking you for your love and for your devoted commitment to Christian Science that reveals and demonstrates the truth of spiritual existence and the eternal presence of the healing Christ.  

With deepest gratitude and affection,

Anne-Françoise Bouffé

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