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New Trustee appointed

- Church News

Effective November 13, 2023, Arcadia Nones, CSB, of Lake Forest, Illinois, United States, has been elected to The Christian Science Publishing Society Board of Trustees, joining Michael Fish, CSB, and David Hohle, CSB, who currently serve as Trustees.

Cadi is a lifelong Christian Scientist and has served her branch church in many capacities, including First Reader, Sunday School teacher, and Board member. She also participated in the launch of Visiting Christian Science Nursing Care of Greater Chicago.

She has a degree in business economics and founded multiple businesses, crediting the practical application of Christian Science for their steady growth. She also served on many corporate and not-for-profit boards.

She left the business world for the full-time public practice of Christian Science in 2016 and became a teacher of Christian Science upon completing the Normal class in 2021.

Cadi fills the opening left by the passing last summer of our dear colleague Barbara Fife. We remain most grateful for Barb’s many contributions in her faithful service as Trustee.

We know you will join us in welcoming Cadi. 

Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society

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