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A bond not easily broken

- What Membership in The Mother Church means to me

My membership in The Mother Church has shown me it’s true that “a threefold cord is not easily broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Why is rope strong? Because it has three strands. To me, my Mother Church membership, from the day I joined to now, is equal parts conviction, commitment, companioning—all rolled together in one: 

Our Mother Church is not a building in Boston. It’s all of us together—our lives. I like to think of us all as holding hands, making one grand strand of twinkling lights encircling the globe—spiritually illuminating the healing power of Christian Science. Our companioning is about thinking globally by “hugging” the world with God’s universal love, and also acting locally by proving His love in the community where we live. 

The mothering love of our Mother Church strengthens that bond we have with our fellow members. Through The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, Monitor, lectures, church updates and e-mails, videos, letters, and Annual Meetings of The Mother Church, we’re kept informed of each other’s trials and triumphs and are encouraged by the growth and progress made in the Christ-mission we all share. 

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